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This activity has been sponsored by Currax. Currax provided financial support and has had input into the selection of the faculty and the detailed project scope. This activity is provided by Touch Medical Communications (TMC) for touchCARDIO.



Shaping obesity care with evidence-based, personalised treatments

Learning Objectives

After watching this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Highlight the current evidence on the risk of cardiovascular events for all available anti-obesity pharmacological treatments
  • Understand the need for a wide range of anti-obesity pharmacological treatment options to ensure that therapy can be personalised for each patient
  • Gain insights from a leading obesity expert on navigating the anti-obesity treatment pathway in Europe to help patients achieve their treatment goals

The burden of obesity continues to grow.1 Personalised care centred around patient goals can improve the chances of successful long-term treatment outcomes,2–4 emphasising the need for a range of pharmacological treatment options.5 In this activity, a leading endocrinologist outlines the current evidence for the benefits and risks of pharmacological anti-obesity treatment, the implications of this evidence for primary care management and the need for personalised medicine.

Watch Prof. Carel le Roux outline the current evidence for the benefits of risks of pharmacological anti-obesity treatments, the implications of this evidence for primary care management, and the need to personalise treatment choices.

Interview Questions

In this interview, Prof. Carel le Roux answers the following questions:

  1. Given the current prevalence of obesity, what impact is the management of this disease having on healthcare systems?
  2. What pharmacological treatment options are available for the management of obesity in Europe?
  3. Based on current evidence, what is known about the CV risk for each of these pharmacological treatment options?
  4. Why is having a variety of anti-obesity treatment options important for achieving personalised medicine?
  5. What are the implications of the current knowledge of CV risk with anti-obesity treatments for managing obesity in primary care?
  1. World Health Organization. WHO European Regional Obesity Report 2022. Available at: (accessed December 2024).
  2. Avery A, Langley-Evans SC, Harrington M, et al. Setting targets leads to greater long-term weight losses and 'unrealistic' targets increase the effect in a large community-based commercial weight management group. J Hum Nutr Diet 2016; 29(6): 687-96.
  3. Fastenau J, Kolotkin RL, Fujioka K, et al. A call to action to inform patient-centred approaches to obesity management: Development of a disease-illness model. Clin Obes 2019; 9(3): e12309.
  4. Ferraz Barbosa B, Aquino de Moraes FC, Bordignon Barbosa C, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Setmelanotide, a Melanocortin-4 Receptor Agonist, for Obese Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Pers Med 2023; 13(10).
  5. Elmaleh-Sachs A, Schwartz JL, Bramante CT, et al. Obesity Management in Adults: A Review. Jama 2023; 330(20): 2000-15.
  • Downloadable summary report resource is available in the Toolkit.

Topics covered in this activity

Cardiovascular Disease

Topics covered in this activity

Cardiovascular Disease

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