We spoke to Dr Samir Pancholy (The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education, Scranton, PA, USA) about the advantages of transradial versus transfemoral artery access for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), and his practical advice for physicians looking at strategies for PCI.
Speaker’s Disclosures: Samir Pancholy has equity in Vaso Innovations Inc., and is a speaker for Medtronic and Terumo.
1. What are the key advantages of transradial artery access for percutaneous coronary intervention, compared with transfemoral artery access? (0:04)
2. With a growing evidence base for a transradial artery approach, particularly in patients with acute coronary syndromes, what practical advice can you share with physicians who are evaluating strategies for percutaneous coronary intervention? (0:46)
touchCARDIO.com is an independent information resource supporting physicians, clinicians and leading industry professionals in continuously developing their knowledge, effectiveness and productivity, via free-to-access content in multimedia formats.
Filmed in partnership with C3 at the 2019 annual meeting in Orlando, Florida, June 2019.