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This corrects the article: “Ioannou A. Evolution of Disease-modifying Therapy for Transthyretin Cardiac Amyloidosis. Heart International. 2024;18(1):30-37”. Two typography errors were included incorrectly due to an editorial error. In Table 1, “eplontersen” was incorrectly written as “eplomtersen”. This has been corrected in the text. In the section “Eplontersen”, the administration schedule should be written as […]

C3 2019, Experiences of the C3 Conference

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Published Online: Jul 10th 2019

Attendees at this year’s Complex Cardiovascular Catheter Therapeutics Advanced Endovascular and Coronary Intervention Global Summit (C3), Orlando, FL, USA, share their impressions, thoughts and experiences with us at the 15th congress.

Featuring Dr Tim Fischell, Dr George Vetrovec, Dr Prakash Deedwania, Dr Saurabh Sanon, Dr Samir Pancholy, Dr Michael Lichtenberg, Dr C Michael Gibson, Dr Gianluca Rigatelli, Dr Sheldon Goldberg, Dr Dinesh Kalra, Professor Imad Sheiban, Dr Tudor Vagaonescu and Dr Lawrence Garcia. is an independent information resource supporting physicians, clinicians and leading industry professionals in continuously developing their knowledge, effectiveness and productivity, via free-to-access content in multimedia formats.

Filmed in partnership with C3 at the 2019 annual meeting in Orlando, Florida, June 2019.

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