Background: Interruption of health services during COVID-19 resulting in delays for patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) needing face-to-face appointments due to limited home monitoring or a need for essential troubleshooting. Purpose: To provide a drive-through CIED clinic to safely perform cardiac physiologist led checks whilst maintaining social distancing with patients.
Methods: An outdoor area was assigned post-peak COVID-19 to house the clinic with personal protective equipment (PPE) and clinic equipment available. A retrospective evaluation was undertaken (14/7/20 – 28/7/20) through feedback questionnaires containing closed and open-ended questions.
Results: 16 patients’ feedback was collected. 81.25% found easy clinic accessibility. 93.75% felt comfortable and safe (one patient did not answer). 68.75% preferred drive-through to a hospital, 12.50% liked both and 6.25% preferred the hospital (two did not answer). High satisfaction rates were backed with comments that excellent care was provided in a safe environment. Improvement suggestions included having a toilet near-by and a need for clear clinic signage.
Conclusions: This project enable essential CIED optimisation to be held in a minimal COVID-19 area, in line with joint CIED guidelines published. The clinic closed for winter; however, implementation of a permanent outdoor structure will allow for continued reduced risk, reassurance and delivery of patient preferred care.