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This corrects the article: “Ioannou A. Evolution of Disease-modifying Therapy for Transthyretin Cardiac Amyloidosis. Heart International. 2024;18(1):30-37”. Two typography errors were included incorrectly due to an editorial error. In Table 1, “eplontersen” was incorrectly written as “eplomtersen”. This has been corrected in the text. In the section “Eplontersen”, the administration schedule should be written as […]

9.42 mins

Kazuomi Kario, ESC 2021 – the HERB Digital Therapeutics System and the HERB-DH1 Study

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Published Online: Sep 9th 2021

Prof. Kazuomi Kario (Professor, Jichi Medical University, Shimotsuke, Tochigi, Japan) kindly shared his thoughts on the HERB digital therapeutics system for essential hypertension and the HERB-DH1 study from the virtual ESC Congress 2021.


  1. Could you give us a brief overview of the HERB digital therapeutics system for essential hypertension? (0.14)
  2. What were the aims, design and inclusion criteria of the HERB-DH1 study? (1.29)
  3. What was the major outcome measured and how well were these achieved? (2.31)
  4. What were the limitations of the study? (4.08)
  5. What has this study taught us and what future studies are planned? (5.25)
  6.  What do you think is the key takeaway for digital health technology? (6.35)

Speaker disclosures: Prof. Kazuomi Kario reports grants and personal fees from Omron Healthcare, Daiichi Sankyo, and Takeda Pharmaceutical; grants from A&D, Roche Diagnostics, Otsuka Holdings, Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho, Teijin Pharma, Fukuda Denshi and Fukuda Lifetec, and consulting fees from Terumo Co, Fukuda Denshi and Omron Healthcare. Prof Kario has also received consulting fees from CureApp Inc.

Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media and conducted by Heather Hall.

Filmed during a remote video call with Professor Kazuomi Kario as a highlight of ESC 2021, August 2021.

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